Gold RSS

Abu Dhabi, Asset, Blog, Gold, Inside scoop, Invest, Jewellery, jewelry blog, Karat, natural, purity, UAE -

The price of gold has surged to reach record highs. As this precious metal keeps moving further into uncharted territories in the global stock markets, many are eager to get a share of the profits by investing in gold. The question is: When is the right time to enter the market? And how much should one invest in gold to get a share of those mouth-watering profits?   A little history will help give us a clearer idea of why the prices of gold have risen so high this year (2020). Being one of the world’s earliest forms of currency,...

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Abu Dhabi, Blog, cultured, engagement, Gold, Inside scoop, Jewellery, jewelry blog, Karat, luster, natural, pearl, purity, ring, UAE -

There is an old saying that goes: "If a woman wears diamonds, you look at the diamonds; if a woman wears pearls, you look at the woman." Pearls have been the embodiment of elegance, grace, and sophistication for centuries. Beautiful in all shapes, colors, and sizes; the market of pearls has nevertheless caused some confusion for consumers due to the different varieties available and their origins. Unlike diamonds, they do not have clear-cut characteristics that can form a guide in appraising the gem easily (the 4C’s makes it relatively easy for consumers to figure out the baseline value of a diamond). Nonetheless, pearls have been...

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Abu Dhabi, blog, color, diamond, Diamonds, engagement, gold, Jewellery, jewelry blog, ring, UAE -

For this week I have chosen to discuss a more detail-oriented topic. The color of gold to choose for your diamond ring might seem like the easiest decision in the process of picking your dream ring. However, aside from relevant factors such as your personal preference, what is trending nowadays, and what color best matches your skin tone; such a decision can help amplify the beauty of your diamond without the need to increase your budget in order to afford a higher grade diamond. So how is it possible to give your diamond ring the appearance of higher quality without going up the...

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Abu Dhabi, blog, Gold, jewelry blog, Karat, purity, UAE -

There is an old wives’ tale that says ‘gold is gold’; encouraging women to decorate themselves in gold jewellery rather than other materials with the aim of attaining a “blingy” investment. However, not all gold is gold! Anyone that has visited a jewellery shop has been told gold comes in different purities meaning there are different types of gold jewellery. I have noticed that this always confused customers and made the decision of choosing gold purity difficult. My aim today is to clarify the difference in gold purity and how such differences can affect the price, design, and the value...

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Blog, Diamonds, Gold, Inside scoop, Jewellery -

Hi guys! I am Meena, a twenty six year old creative spirit that fell in to be part of the jewelry industry! A sweet turn of events in my life has moved me from pursuing a career with my political science degree to helping mange a very well established jewelry retail shop in the U.A.E. That being said i should introduce my husband Riyad, the reason behind this turn, my life and career partner, and also the CEO of Al Riyad Jewellery (UAEJEWELS's brick store). Being a second generation jeweler he got me all the inside scoop I wish I had as...

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