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Hello everyone!   This week we will resume our discussion about lab grown diamonds, particularly when it comes to evolving market trends and value retainment. Before we begin, it is important to know that lab grown diamonds are a relatively new player in the industry, therefore much of what will be shared regarding future trends and prices is more or less speculation. Also, whenever we compare prices of lab grown diamonds with naturals, it is always for the exact same specifications of the 4C’s and certification, so that the only difference between the two stones is that one is natural and...

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A lab grown diamond mirrors a real natural diamond since it is able to display identical chemical and optical characteristics as a natural diamond. In today’s fast-changing world, lab grown (man-made) diamonds are becoming increasingly available to help cater to a population that keeps moving towards more ethical and economical alternatives.   Frequently asked questions: How can laboratory grown diamonds show identical characteristics to natural diamonds? Modern day labs use technological processes to crystallize carbon structures and, replicate earth’s natural process of making a rough diamond.   How can laboratory grown diamonds be differentiated from natural diamonds? They are indistinguishable from natural diamonds...

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The emerald is one of the “Big Four” gemstones, known as the precious stones. Emeralds are made of a mineral called Beryl, with trace amounts of the elements chromium or vanadium which give this gemstone its distinct green color.When assessing Emeralds, we use the same 4C’s as we do for diamonds (Color, Carat, Clarity & Cut). However, the importance of each specification & the amount it contributes to the value of a stone differs between the two gems. Let us take a look at each component, in order of importance to emeralds:   Color: An emerald’s rich green color is...

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Abu Dhabi, blog, color, diamond, Diamonds, engagement, gold, Jewellery, jewelry blog, ring, UAE -

For this week I have chosen to discuss a more detail-oriented topic. The color of gold to choose for your diamond ring might seem like the easiest decision in the process of picking your dream ring. However, aside from relevant factors such as your personal preference, what is trending nowadays, and what color best matches your skin tone; such a decision can help amplify the beauty of your diamond without the need to increase your budget in order to afford a higher grade diamond. So how is it possible to give your diamond ring the appearance of higher quality without going up the...

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Abu Dhabi, blog, Gold, jewelry blog, Karat, purity, UAE -

There is an old wives’ tale that says ‘gold is gold’; encouraging women to decorate themselves in gold jewellery rather than other materials with the aim of attaining a “blingy” investment. However, not all gold is gold! Anyone that has visited a jewellery shop has been told gold comes in different purities meaning there are different types of gold jewellery. I have noticed that this always confused customers and made the decision of choosing gold purity difficult. My aim today is to clarify the difference in gold purity and how such differences can affect the price, design, and the value...

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